Supporting Our Unique and Diverse Learners
Dual Language Immersion
The Brandywine School District is proud to offer a Spanish Language Immersion Program at three elementary schools: Claymont, Lancashire, and Maple Lane Elementary Schools. This program provides some of our youngest learners with an exciting opportunity to learn and engage in two languages and cultures—English and Spanish—during the school day. In 2021, the first cohort of BSD immersion students progressed to 6th grade, where they continued their immersion studies at Talley Middle School.
English Language Learners
The Carrcroft Elementary ESL (English as a Second Language) program is thriving! We have ELL students in each grade with seven different languages represented. The program is both a push-in and pull-out program based on the needs of the students. We support the school's Bookworms program and use Imagine Learning and the Oxford Picture Dictionary curriculum to supplement. The ESL teacher is Ms. Samantha Walsh
Gifted Education Services
In the Brandywine School District, gifted services are offered in specific schools for grades K-8. Students identified for gifted education attend the school listed for their grade level.
- Grades K-3 Mount Pleasant Elementary School
- Grades 4-5 Claymont Elementary School
- Grades 6-8 P.S. duPont Middle School
Special Education
At Carrcroft, the special education team includes an Educational Diagnostician, School Psychologist, Speech/Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, and Special Education Teachers. We provide a continuum of services based on individual student needs. Teachers and support staff work collaboratively with students and families to create an appropriate educational program in the least restrictive environment.
Our team is committed to supporting our students in the following areas: academic, behavior, and social/emotional development. We strive to meet our students’ needs in an inclusive setting with the use of evidence-based interventions.
Families are encouraged to communicate with their child’s teachers with any concerns or questions regarding their child’s needs. Parents can also contact Julie Harrington, Educational Diagnostician.