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Third Grade

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Third grade is an exciting year filled with lots of learning! In their first year as upper graders, students move from learning to read to reading to learn. In our Bookworms curriculum, students will read rich text and novels that promote meaningful discussions. Purposeful writing is integrated into our Bookworms texts, providing students with various examples and opportunities of genre writing.

Students in third grade look forward to our exciting field trips throughout the year. We visit White Clay Creek State Park to explore rocks and minerals, Delaware History Museum to research important figures, and Can Do Park for our end of the year celebratory picnic! Third grade students will also compete in a 3rd Grade Math Bowl to show the math skills they’ve learned over the year using our Eureka Math curriculum. Another subject that is popular among the students is science and the use of our Foss science kits. We investigate rocks and minerals in the beginning of the year and then study water and its properties.

While students are engaged in rigorous academics daily, we are also building friendships, community, and responsibility. Each day of third grade is bursting with opportunities for discovery and camaraderie!