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Drop Off Procedures

Bus Students

In the morning, the BSD buses that serve Carrcroft Elementary School line up in the main parking lot in front of the school to drop the students off.  Once the buses are given the go-ahead, the students leave the bus and enter the school in an orderly fashion. We ask parents dropping off students to not pull into the parking or drive behind the school bus, as you will likely get stuck and slow down the flow.
For parents/students looking for more information about BSD transportation, please click here to visit the BSD bus transportation page.

Car Riders

We ALL must work together to ensure the safety of our children. In a fraction of a second, lives could change.  SLOW DOWN, BE PATIENT, AND FOLLOW ALL GUIDELINES!

Students that are being dropped off in the morning will go to the carline.  As everyone knows, it is a true team effort to coordinate drop-off and pickup. We ask that you don't allow your students to run between moving vehicles, as the safety of our students is of utmost importance.

All parents need to show a number to pick-up their child (walkers as well). If you have a family member that does not normally pick up and does not have a number, please send in a note and tell them your number. The staff members will use the spreadsheet, as well as the note, to verify.